Two Months of Rockwell

You went on your first trip and you did amazing! You’re a warm weather baby, I think :) You make funny faces when you’re falling asleep. You’re happiest in the morning. You love getting your diaper changed. You love sunshine and being outside. You make lots of sweet cooing sounds. They are my favorite sounds in the world. You’re better at sleeping in your bassinet now. But you’re not as good in the car anymore because you hate when the car stops moving. I love staring at you when you’re asleep in my arms. I think about how perfect you are and how I can’t believe you’re mine. At times you seem like a tiny baby but sometimes you seem so grown up and aware. It’s amazing to see you change and discover new things everyday! You’re getting ticklish. You’re discovering your hands and like to stare at them. You stare at the walls or ceiling a lot and sometimes get a big smile on your face. I realize that everything is new to you and that even a wall seems silly or exciting sometimes! When you’re sad or scared you stick your bottom lip out in a frown before you start crying. It’s sad but adorable! I truly love you more and more everyday. I am so lucky you’re mine!