One Month of Rockwell

One month and about 300 pictures later! You’re 8 lbs 14 oz. Your personality is coming out and you’re starting to focus on things better. Your eyes are big and juicy. You love bath time- it calms you right down. You aren’t phased by koda barking or any other loud noises. You love car rides and fall asleep every time! You love being held especially while sleeping…so you don’t sleep well in your bassinet at night. You’re still in newborns but growing fast! Your eyebrows are getting darker and eyelashes getting longer! You love falling asleep in my arms or more specifically, while eating. You make so many noises- resembling pterodactyls, squirrels, and chirping birds. Koda still isn’t sure about you and kitty runs away when you cry (smart girl). you’re super needy but your cuteness makes up for it. my favorite thing about you is your hair and your cheeks! we love you so!

some phone pics from your first month of life:

^^^same outfit almost exactly a month apart! growing so fast!