marriage is what brings us together today

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(i hope you all read the title of this post with the clergyman’s accent ;) we had so much fun at delaney and kyle’s wedding! it was so so great to have the whole family in utah! i loved getting to know each of them a lot better. the last time i saw the peper side of the family was at our wedding (almost a year ago?!). and we didn’t have a whole lot of time to get to know each other then! i am so grateful and lucky  to have married into this family because they are so welcoming and so much fun!

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^^^i mean, look at them! love them.

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^^^cute couple and happy delaney! and little peper getting close to the action ;)

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^^^my man looks good in a tux!

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^^^not a bad getaway car!

don’t you just love weddings?! i wish i could go to them every week. i als0 wish family could be in town every week ;)i know, i didn’t take like, any pictures but  we were just having too much fun! now, anyone know of a wedding i can crash this weekend?? ;)

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