A Family Picnic in the Mountains

One more week until I’m with my family in Thousand Oaks again!! These pictures are from when they were in salt lake just a couple weeks ago for my sister’s Utah reception! Unfortunately we lost reception when we went up the canyon so we couldn’t tell both sisters where we were going to be….so it was just Riley, Bryce, my mom, and our cousin Lawry (who we successfully convinced to stay one more day!).

After church on Sunday, we packed a big yummy lunch and drove up mill creek canyon to have a picnic and bonfire! We thought by leaving early we would beat the crowds but all of the spots were already taken! So we had to hike a ways to find a perfect little oasis!




Koda was so happy to be outside with us too! We had this little area all to ourselves, plus it was right on the stream! The only thing it needed was a bathroom ;)

Lawry couldn’t make it to the California wedding but was lucky to be able to drive down for the Utah reception, so we were able to see our entire family last month! This was the last time Lawry and Bryce would see each other for at least two years! So I snapped this picture of the two of them. Lawry is younger than Bryce and has always been like 6 inches taller. Haha!

^^^Riley put chocolate inside of this croissant and warmed it up but I thought it just tasted like ham. Not good!


^^^It’s just a smoking stick but we had to take a pic because it looked like a giant cigar! :)

^^^And of course we made s’mores in between games of wizard and five crowns, while Koda slept in the cool plants ;) this is what summer is all about!


I love these people! We were super bummed my sisters weren’t there but we’ll all be together one more time in just a week! Bittersweet, that’s for sure. I wish we all lived closer so we could have more nights like this…hopefully some day :)

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