christmas tree

the other night, we finally got our first christmas tree together! there is nothing as good as the smell of a christmas tree lot! we picked out a perfect guy and drove home through the city so we could see some christmas lights. i love this city!

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2013-12-05 20.48.26-1

2013-12-05 20.58.15-1

2013-12-05 21.01.30-1

2013-12-08 15.51.08

^^^we got this little boat on our honeymoon in michigan! we decided it’s our favorite ornament this year

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^^^we had to get riley this ski gondola!

2013-12-05 23.50.40-2

then we ate homemade soup (riley is such a good cook!), drank martinellis out of ice cream glasses, had a fire, and watched the holiday. it was such a great, christmas-y night!

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