mama time

Finally, here’s some pictures from my mom’s trip here! she came out for graduation and was able to stay for almost a week. we had so much fun with her! we did lots of new stuff and took her to a bunch of places that she’s never been so that was awesome. we went to the hogle zoo, went to gardner village, checked out the new model homes in daybreak, did a session in the bountiful temple, went on a few walks, and ate lots of yummy food…of course! i swear, mine and riley’s lives revolve around food haha i love it. we love food! and we’re so lucky because salt lake has so many amazing places to eat! we still have a long list of places we want to try out!

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^^^here’s just a couple of pictures from the zoo. the elephants were so close, i had to take a selfie with them ;) this was our first real time to the hogle zoo. the first time was in the winter at night time for the lights they do every year, but most of the animals were inside so we don’t count that. it’s a really cool zoo actually! i was impressed. except the otters and polar bears were hiding this time :/ 

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^^^me and my mom spent the whole day on monday together and it was so much fun spending time with her! i took her to gardner village because i knew it would be right up her alley. then we went to see the new lakeside model homes in daybreak. i remember my mom taking us to see model homes all the time when we were younger and it was my most favorite thing ever! maybe that’s what made me want to become a designer ;) anyway, these new ones were beautiful! we were dying over the house in the second picture. look at that kitchen! i’m gonna have to go back with riley soon :)

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^^^i love when my mom comes to town because we always go to the temple! and i hate going by myself (ok, i never go by myself) so i’m always excited to go when i have her with me! we went to the bountiful temple this time. we’re hoping to go to every temple in utah! we don’t have an end goal so no pressure :)

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^^^we got pizza twice while my mom was in town. this one was at pizzeria limone. so good! you know when you’re a kid, you always said that your favorite food is pizza? well i really think my favorite food is pizza haha. (remember how me and riley met at the pie?!:) but my favorite is this kind of authentic pizza. no dominos :) anyone know of other good pizza places for me to check out around here??

we also found the waffle truck-always a good idea. me and riley got the red monster (i think that’s what it was called) with strawberries, raspberries, cream, and nutella. hello delicious!! also, anyone have any recommendations for good food trucks in salt lake county?? it seems that a lot of the good ones are only in utah county :/

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^^^we took my mom to our favorite park-memory grove. this is where we usually go with koda because it’s off leash and it’s close to our house. and it’s beautiful! koda loved having my mom here! he’s so good with new people. he’s defintely not a good guard dog! he loved sitting on my mom’s lap in the back of our car and getting her all wet haha ;)

thanks for coming to town mama! we loved having you here! next time, we’ll have an actual bedroom for you ;)

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