Oh Christmas Tree


today we finally picked out our christmas tree! i googled where to find a cute christmas tree lot in the area and this was the only one that offered free hot chocolate, so obviously it was the winner. they had a great selection and great service. they even had a fire pit going, even though it felt like it was 70 degrees today! how is that happening?! it feels like home and it makes me happy.






i totally forgot to get a picture of us together at the lot and of the tree on top of our car, which i think is obligatory and i’m kicking myself a little bit over here. especially since i put makeup on today! ha! but here’s our tree-on-the-car picture from last year :)

we’re nervous how our pesky cat is going to do with the tree in the house, any tips?!?

Green Ridge Christmas Trees: Go here if you haven’t already gotten your tree! 1370 North Hwy 89 Kaysville, UT | 801-721-0639

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