Can You Belize It?!

as most of you know, my brother received his mission call a couple weeks ago on April 22!! it has been a long time coming and we are so proud of him! We made him wait a few days to open it until me and kayla came back to utah. it was like, the biggest moment ever for our family. it was a little chaotic trying to figure out skype with everyone, but it was fun to see all the people who went to our house in california to hear the news!

now, please excuse these pictures. they are the worst i’ve ever taken on my ipone. the lighting was horrible and our house was a mess! (Bryce was living in our living room at the time) i’m embarrassed to post them, but what can i do about it now? :)

^^^Koda slept through the whole thing and the kitty slept on her throne until we got too rowdy :)


^^^we took this picture as a joke, we know it’s alaska! ;) 

so….! on july 22nd, bryce leaves for the guatemala mtc and then will serve in the El Salvador San Salvador West/Belize mission!!!! we could not believe it! when his call came in the mail, it was really thin so we thought for sure he would go stateside, which would be cool and probably easier for us! but when i heard him say el salvador, i was so shocked and overwhelmed and excited and so many other emotions! of course, i cried. and i get emotional every time i watch the video over again :)

^^^i wish I knew what was happening here, but it cracks me up!

bryce is back at home now which makes me so sad because it will be two years until i can just drive down to provo to spend a fun day with him. i wish i could spend everyday with him before he leaves but instead, we only have a few days we’ll see each other this summer. happy thoughts! ;)

anyway, i can’t wait to see and hear about his adventures in central america. he will be amazing. me and riley (and hopefully the rest of our family) are planning on taking a trip there at the end of his mission. Only two summers away! Hopefully that will help make the time go by faster :)

two more months from today until he reports! scary!!

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