Our Little Prince is One!
i cannot believe our baby is one! it was the fastest, hardest, and best year of our lives. i truly can’t imagine life without rockwell anymore! he brings so much joy to our home every day. yes there are still lots of tough moments but i’m grateful for those tender moments like when i’m nursing him or when he squeals when riley comes home from work which make the hard days easier. of course i’ve been reminiscing about the day he was born. it seriously feels like a month ago. i still remember it all so clearly, especially the pain of labor/delivery and the feeling of holding him and feeding him for the first time. ahh so many emotions!
for rockwell’s first birthday, we just wanted to do something small but i love decorating and hosting parties so i couldn’t help myself! i thought of doing a “Little Prince” themed party since i realized we already had quite a few things that would work as decor. then i was inspired to hand draw and render all of his invites and some decorations for the party. it was a labor of love and i love how it turned out! rockwell was lucky to have his grandma and aunt brianna in town for the festivities and then our closest friends, the flemings and andersons, came to play too! we wish our best friends and family from out of town could’ve been there too! it was such a special day and i loved spoiling my baby!

some details in case anyone wants to know: star garland from my sister kayla, giant “1” balloon, cake was made by riley, edible gold stars, cake toppers, cupcake toppers were made by me, crown, brianna did the awesome charcuterie board, rose and dome, cuddle and kind doll from rockwell’s monthly photos, glow in the dark stars party favors