Rockwell’s 3rd Birthday!

i think everyone here knows that i love throwing themed parties, and rockwell’s birthday parties have been so fun for me to do! this year, he requested a rocket ship birthday :) i started by hand drawing and water coloring all of the invites, based off of a design i found on pinterest. i loved how they were each a little unique, but maybe next year i’ll just do one and make copies ;)

on the menu was asteroids (meatballs), rocket fuel (juice from trader joe’s), star-shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, supernova sugar cookies (homemade swig cookies), rocket ship crackers, and moon rocks (rock candy). riley made the cake as usual and did a good job making it look like galaxies and stars in space!

everybody’s mouths were black after eating the cake haha! we also hosted preschool on rockwell’s birthday, so we had cupcakes there too. he requested strawberry cupcakes with vanilla frosting :)

i got all of the kids little ceramic rocket ship magnets to paint. it was fun seeing how different everyone’s was! i like to do something like this for them to take home instead of a goody bag with cheap toys :) i also made a rocket ship out of cardboard to use as a photo prop and to throw “asteroids” into. the kids had fun with that too.

rockwell loves and treasures his friends. of course, we couldn’t invite all of them because our house is so small, and it’s a little hard to have an outdoor party in january ;) but i’m so grateful that he has so many good friends his age. it’s so awesome!

we love our big three year old so much! this past year, he stopped using a pacifier, is completely potty trained (his doctor was surprised to hear this at his 3 year appointment!), talks coherently (to us, at least), moved into a big boy bed, started preschool co-op, memorizes books, and sings all the time! he loves group hugs, seeing his friends, painting with me, and being a big brother! i love watching him grow and learn but as parents always say, i wish time would slow down!!