Rockwell’s 2nd Birthday!

Rockwell has been obsessed with Pixar Cars for a long time now, so it was a no brainer to throw him a “mcqueen” party! I spent weeks making all of the decorations and drawing/painting the character pictures that i had displayed at the party. I stayed up the night before until about 1 or 2 a.m. putting together that balloon arch, but it looked awesome! You know I love a good theme, so picking out the food to go along with the theme was also so much fun. I couldn’t wait to see his reaction the next morning to everything i put together for him! and to be honest, i’m just as obsessed with cars as he is at this point :)

It’s hard to believe Rockwell is already two but I’m not sad about it because he’s so much fun now! He loves all animals and is fearless of them. Loves his friends and loves giving hugs. He’s super cuddly and loves sitting on our laps when watching a “row”. He’s such a big helper and almost always cleans up really well. He says “away” to say something needs to be cleaned up. He knows all of his colors and recognizes a handful of letters. We’re always amazed at how smart he is and love that he always makes us laugh. I love him more than words can describe and I’m so grateful for him!