Little Dates: ELLIE GOULDING!!



If you know me at all, you should know that i love ellie goulding!! she is my taylor swift, my beyonce, my justin bieber, yada yada yada. she is my #1!! i have loved her since no one knew who she was when i told them that she was my favorite singer! :) it has been amazing to see her grow from playing at small venues to arenas. i know i have nothing to do with her success but i feel so proud of her! i make it a priority to see her live on every one of her tours. riley is such a great guy and goes with my obsession. this was the second ellie goulding concert he has gone to with me!


seeing ellie (we’re on a first name basis) play in an arena was so amazing and a lot of fun. it was a little awkward though because we were in the stands (good thing because i get anxiety being on the floor at concerts) and i just wanted to dance! it took a minute, but i finally said screw it and just stood up and danced by myself when everyone around me was still sitting haha! i was also reassured that i was a true fan when i sang every word to every song and other people only got excited for the songs that are on the radio. ;) it was such a fun night on the town!